Safety & Compliance (ISM/ISPS/MLC)

One of Edelweiss primary concerns is to ensure that its client’s with their yachts are meeting safety and security requirements.

Security and safety must come first on every yacht, whether it is private or commercial.

To promote a goal-oriented approach to the regulation of globally operated large yachts, Edelweiss participates in advisory councils of flag-state and classification associations.

Edelweiss is able to serve clients in an unmatched and significant manner when safeguarding the interests of the owner while assisting the responsible captains and crew throughout its special connections with flag-states, classification societies, and important port-states.

Critical elements of our service include knowledge and comprehension of the ISM, ISPS, and MLC 2006 standards as well as their implementation.

  • International Safety Management (ISM)

At Edelweiss, the environment and customers both come first. As a result, we place a high priority on upholding the ISM code as part of our corporate social responsibility in order to ensure the security and safety of our clients and their vessels while also adhering to the global standards for environmental protection and pollution prevention.

Edelweiss, developed a Safety Management System (SMS) that complies with all of the standards of the code and guarantee the execution all the safety measures that our clients might need.

  • International Ship and Port Security (ISPS)

Along with the international management system, Edelweiss places a high priority on the security of ports and yachts. Since its inception, our company has worked to adhere with the ISPS code by establishing security measures in place to prevent Yacht incidents as well as by providing training and security certificates to captains and yacht’s crew that have been certified by the flag state.

  • MLC 2006 (Marine Labor Convention 2006)

Edelweiss works to ensure that all sailors and other yacht crew members have access to the fundamental necessities of a healthy working and living environment.

For more details regarding our safety and compliance services, contact us and our team will be delighted to assist you.